Monday, November 28, 2016

A Great Prayer Guide...

If you are looking for a guide to prayer for your husband, marriage and/or children, these books by best selling Christian author, Stormie Omaritian are AMAZING!!!!  These books provide biblically based prayers to overcome the enemy and to pray powerful prayers for your loved ones.  I highly, highly, highly recommend these books.  Great reads and great results!

Embracing the BIG 4 - 0...

So…I just turned 40 years old yesterday.  In some ways, I am in a state of shock and denial.  On the inside, I feel as if I was just in high school yesterday.  I think I am struggling because now I am actually considered middle aged by the world.  Additionally, I realize that life passes us by so fast.  I also vividly remember when my mom turned 40 and at that time, I was roughly 17 years old and I recall thinking…man, she is old!  Here I sit today remembering that day and realizing…maybe she wasn’t that old.  Did my mom feel the way I do?  I am here…I am 40…that big, bold number has now hit ME!!!!
I am not depressed or sad about it at all.  I think I am just trying to grasp the number that now defines me in many ways.  This number is now part of who I am. Wow!

I am not exactly where I want to be in my life in some ways, but in many ways, I realize I am exactly at one of the most wonderful places in my life.  I am so grateful for so many things.  First, I am grateful and blessed by my Creator to have made it in life this far.  I have been healthy, safe and I am one of the lucky ones to see the age of 40.  For that, I thank God.  I have my beautiful girls and I am so in love with them and where they are right now…I don’t want to miss these moments and these moments are happening right now…at 40!!!  My marriage has been rocky over the past few years, but in the last two to three years, I have come to learn a lot about myself and the love I have for my husband.  I have matured in many ways and I owe much of that to the various experiences I have had for the past 40 years!  I see friendships and relationships and have a much better understanding of what is and what isn’t important to me.  I think realizing who/what to invest in and who/what not to invest in has honestly taken me FORTY years to understand.  I don’t have time to waste on non-sense.  I believe I have come to appreciate my parents in a new way as well.  I guess, my relationship with my parents is based on  a protective and caring sense…I see my parents through adults eyes now. 
My point is, I see ways that I have grown immensely over the past three to five years and only at 40 do I truly grasp what's valuable in this life.  I see life more clearly now.  I know what is important and worth my time and those are things that I didn’t understand fully until now.  My time is valuable and so I choose to invest it in things that are of worth.  I also don’t really care what others think about me anymore.  You either love and appreciate me or you don’t.  I don’t have an interest in justifying my existence or selling to others my worth.  You either get it or you don’t. Slowly, but surely...I am beginning to embrace and love me...I think.  I am not perfect in appearance or as a person, but I am slowly...very slowly learning to embrace curves, my scars, my imperfections, my successes and me as is.  This is still a work in progress, but I see it beginning to happen.  

God willing, I will exist for another 40 years.  I am smack dab in the middle when you look at it through that lens and that really isn’t so bad.  I have so much more life to live and so much more to learn and experience.  I am blessed beyond measure.  So, I am wrapping my mind around the greatness of 40.  Now, I just have to try and not shame the number anymore, but rather envelop and embrace it for the beauty it possesses.  How lucky am I?

Did I mention that my birthday celebration wasn’t so shabby either?  My amazing husband purchased me two gorgeous rings! GORGEOUS!!!  One is a new wedding band to go with my set…I have been dying to get this for years.  He let me pick what I wanted and I couldn’t be happier.  Once it gets sized, I may post a pic.  The other is an anniversary style band for my right hand that is breathtaking!  I never expected this from my husband as it is an extravagant extra and he got them both for me on the same day.  What, what???!!!  I will wear these rings every day for the rest of my life.  Just another great part of turning the BIG 4 – 0!!!!  I also had a great surprise luncheon at the Cheesecake Factory with some family and friends…even enjoyed a piece of amazing cheesecake.  Oh and I got to pick up a few things for myself.  What is there to be sad about???  NOTHING!!!  Thank you all for letting me share… 

Celebrate Life...It's Beautiful and SHORT!  Below are some pics from my birthday and birthday week...

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