Thursday, September 8, 2016

Holy Spirit, You Are Welcome Here!

Image Credit: @BarbaraRainey via Twitter

THIS...THIS is what I have been praying about for so many years.  I pray that God would dwell in my home and be the head of my household through the Holy Spirit.  You see, I am a child of the living God so I have the Holy Spirit dwelling in me per The Holy Bible. However, I know that there is evil in this world.  I know that there is evil we can experience here via crimes and unmentionables done by other humans...we can see that evil.  But, I know that there is an evil out there that we cannot see.  That evil is of the spiritual realm which is the unseen to us.  As a believer, I know that evil seeks to destroy and I know that he especially wants to destroy God's children.  That being said, in today's society with all of the witchcraft, sorcery, violent video games and even much of what we watch and hear, we are exposed to evil...the things we can see.  Our minds are exposed to things which they shouldn't be as God's children.  We have become desensitized to what is acceptable in God's eyes and what is not... so, we often times partake in tv shows, movies, music, video games, etc that are not. When we do this or allow our children to do this, we are unknowingly welcoming evil into our homes. WHAT?  Yes, you read that right. I understand that non-believers and maybe even some believers will believe this is ridiculous and may even think I am crazy.  I am okay with that though.  I know the truth so I will speak it. Simple things such as movies or tv shows with sorcery, pornography, sexual content, music that is harsh and vulgar, video games with murder, zombies and other evil things are all things that we may allow into our home.  Our kids just want to play the video games in which they kill or watch Harry Potter which has sorcery, our husbands may watch movies with explicit sexual content or maybe we do, we may listen to music today with so much profanity or obscenity or even let our children sing along to inappropriate lyrics and we may even wear clothes or watch shows that make a mockery of God or Jesus.  These things are not of Him, but are of this world.  This is how evil slowly takes hold of us and how we slowly grow accustomed to it.  It seeps in slowly.  It comes in to our homes and covers our families and we wonder what is wrong with the world today? We are losing sight of Him and what is good and even worse, we are justifying it.  We are also blind to it. Once these things saturate your home, evil will have a strong presence in your home. That evil can produce defiant children, an acceptance of what is wrong in this world, a higher tolerance of what we will allow to be viewed in our home, fights between husbands and wives, drug use, porn addiction, deceit among family members and the list goes on and on. There are consequences for allowing evil into your home and into your life.  It took me so long to figure this out.  At one time, my home contained some of these very things and my family began to crumble.  Pureness, goodness and love are lost.  I finally see that often times we have permitted so much evil into our homes that God/Holy Spirit will not enter even if we are His children.  God cannot be a part of your home and protect your home along with those who live in it if evil is rampant knowingly or unknowingly.  Your home is to be a representation of Him as you should be also.  So, maybe it's time to do some cleaning? Maybe just maybe the tension in your homes stem from God not fully coming in. Maybe just maybe your defiant children are a result of the tv and music you let them watch and hear. The list goes on and on.  Maybe it is time that we become aware of what we allow into our homes.  Maybe it is time we protect our families from this world and its chaos. Our home is our safe place...that is where we should be and feel safest.  We cannot be very safe without our Father dwelling with us. It's time to let Him in and kick evil out!  It's time to be accountable for what we permit in our homes.  I promise (I know through personal experience) that once you cleanse your home of the evil things and repent and sincerely invite God into your home...He will enter.  He will enter at last.  He will protect you and your family and He will draw nearer to you! Welcome the Holy Spirit in to dwell. We are ultimately in control of what we allow in our homes and in our minds.  We are in control of who we allow to dwell in our homes...good or evil.  The spiritual world is real and good or bad will grab hold of you and affect your life one way or the other.  What's it going to be for you?  Here are some beautiful lyrics to a really great song by christian artist, Francesca Battistelli...

"Holy Spirit, You are welcome here

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere

Your glory, God, is what our hearts long for

To be overcome by Your presence, Lord

Your presence, Lord"

Maybe there is something to this...maybe the Holy Spirit has to be welcomed into your home and into your life. Remember, God is not a god who forces Himself on you or demands of you.  However, His light will not mix with the dark.  Just something for you to ponder. Consider what is in your home and consider if it serves as good or evil.  Is it a reflection of your faith? Then, consider how it may be affecting your family.  I promise when you welcome the Holy Spirit in and turn from darkness, He will enter.  Once this happens, the Holy Spirit will not let the evil in.  Make sense? 

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