Thursday, August 25, 2016

His Love Sees Past My Darkest

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What an amazing thought!  What an amazing truth!  God in His holiness and righteousness loves ME no matter how I behave.  He sees my heart…the good, the bad and the ugly and HE LOVES ME JUST THE SAME.  There is absolutely nothing I can do to make Him love me any less!  I am His child and He has an undeniable love for me.  I’ll be very honest here (that’s what I have promised you on this blog), I curse, I swear, I get jealous, I am selfish, I can be materialistic, I am angry sometimes and I am the furthest thing from spotless.  I do many of these things daily…hourly.  Some days are better than others.  Oh and let’s not even talk about driving to and from work every day!  Wow!  God sees all of that.  He sees what nobody else on this earth sees in me.  It can be really ugly.  At my darkest, He loves me!  Doing wrong and sinning is never okay and I must repent of that and ask Him for forgiveness even though I am His child.  I have to pray for Him to help me turn from those behaviors, but the beautiful thing is He loves me no less because of my sin!  He knows I am a sinner and He forgives even my worst moments and words because I have accepted His Son, Jesus Christ personally as my Savior.  God loves all of us.  He also loves those who are not yet His children.  He will see past your wrongs and your sin and see His son from the moment you accept His one and only Son, Jesus Christ as your Savior.  That means to understand, accept and have faith that Jesus is the only way to the Father.  Without Jesus and His shed blood on the cross which took His perfect human life, we would have no way to the Father.  But, Jesus’s blood literally washed us clean…His perfect, holy, untainted blood washed us clean.  He was a sacrifice for you and me!  So, once you accept Him and what He did and understand that there is no other way to be cleansed of your sin, God sees Him in us!  We are clean…spotless before God.  He cannot see our sin!  Jesus has claimed us and He claims us before almighty God.  We are as white and as pure as snow before Him once we have accepted His son.  Guess what, that forgiveness is FREE!  It costs us nothing…no works.  Jesus Christ redeemed us…He paid for us!  Jesus paid our sin debt in full.  Hallelujah! I love this from Hillsong United, “When justice came for all my debt, the Friend of sinners came instead.”  I will leave you with that!  

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