Tuesday, October 4, 2016

My Authority Over the Enemy...

There is so much I want to say about this, but I find it hard to put into words that make sense.  It seems so much that I blog about resorts back to my faith and back to my marriage.  To me, the two are intertwined.  For me, the above scripture speaks volumes to me about the enemy of my marriage.  God has promised me as His child...authority over the enemy.  Yes, the enemy is ultimately Satan, but often times Satan uses others to do his work. Satan will do his best to use your spouse, extended family, “friends,” and others for his purposes. If Satan can destroy marriage, he destroys the mystery of a loving God who is in an unbreakable covenantal relationship with us.  Isn't that his goal after all? In marriage, God gives the woman to the man and the institution of marriage is established. As the Holy Trinity is three beings in one person, the man and the woman in holy matrimony become one flesh. In my situation, Satan has used other people as his tool to attempt to destroy my marriage and my family.  The interesting thing is that many of these people are "praying" people, many of these people claim to be "Christians" and so many of these people try to put off the image that they are moral and respectable. Satan really knows what he is doing!  I find that particular people don't even realize that they are Satan's tool.  They have become liars, manipulators, morally deficient, treacherous and sometimes even adulterous laughing in the face of almighty God to serve the desires of their own flesh. They are willing to break God's commands jeopardizing what is right and true for their own evil schemes. These people are what I call seed planters also known as manipulators. These people plant the seeds of doubt and temptation into the mind and heart of you and/or your spouse.  Whether the seeds they plant are through negative words that tear your spouse down, doubts they help you manifest in your mind about your spouse and your marriage or even something as morally corrupt like attempts to seduce your spouse or steal your spouse from you and your family.  All of these people are tools of the enemy and they are used for his purpose...destroying what God has joined together.  Perhaps, these people also use others to sway your spouse or get to your spouse and pull them away from you.  Maybe they say things like, "I will be praying for you" or maybe they "profess their love or admiration to your spouse or you" or maybe they send "selfies" or call often and relentlessly sink their talons in your spouse or you. Perhaps, they manipulate with sob stories and try to identify with your spouse or you so that a connection will be formed.  Perhaps, your "friends or family" are more than eager to hear how your marriage is struggling and act quickly to tell you how bad it is rather than to be objective and biblical in their advice and support for you. Maybe, there are family members who you believed loved you who choose to pass judgement on you and your situation or you and your spouse as they seem to forget their own failings. All of these are ways that the enemy uses others to tear apart marriages. Sometimes, you even bring this behavior to the offending persons attention and they continue to hurt and destroy what is rightfully yours and Gods.  They don't see that if they are working against your marriage, they are ultimately working against the One in which the covenant also lies.  They are committing an offense against Him.  For that, they will not win!  Through the trials of my marriage, I have come to realize that many people are out to destroy rather than to build either knowingly or unknowingly. So many people are more interested in your relationship than they are in developing their own.  So many people today are deceived into believing that their behavior is justified when in fact, it is the work of the enemy.  They have a choice to step away and to pray about things and to turn from their sinful behavior, but they refuse...this is a selfish world after all. So, to the scripture above...because I am God's child, He has given me the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy!!!  Wow, how powerful is that? Satan temporarily wins from time to time, but we know that God is the ultimate winner. He is in control of all things and people such as these will face judgement and will be accountable for their choices to commit evil. Marriage is sacred to God even when we don't hold marriage as sacred.  God is part of the covenant between a husband and wife. If you work against someone else's marriage, you are working against God and that never turns out in anyone's favor. Just like the enemy has temporary gratification so will the people who do his work.  They will one-day face great consequences for their choices...it may be tomorrow, it may be in six months or it may be in a few years, but consequences are His to give.  So, I find comfort in Him and knowing that His promises to me are true. He ultimately gives me the power to trample my enemy...He is behind that power.  No matter the judgement, no matter the manipulation, no matter the hurt, no matter the deceit, no matter the pain, no matter the seduction, no matter the lies, no matter the robbery...the victory will ultimately be mine because I am His.  I know that no man, no woman, no demon and no stronghold will separate what God has brought together.  I will trample on the snakes and the scorpions and they will be accountable for the distress and destruction they have attempted to bring against my husband, myself and my GOD...our covenant. The Lord is my strength and my shield. Indeed, He is. I love these prayers..."Any pillar that has been erected and witnessing against me, I command you to scatter in Jesus name. Any household enemy that has been and will be against the manifestation of my dreams, I bind you in the name of Jesus." If others truly love you or your spouse and are godly people, they will build up your marriage and plant seeds that are biblical. They will step outside of your marriage especially when they realize that the work they are doing is not a good work. "Friends and family" should not ever do anything to harm your marriage...rather, they should do everything in their power to support your marriage. Keep an eye out for those who are seeking to destroy your marriage or plant seeds of doubt or trouble...they are everywhere.  However, stand firm in Him and He will handle the enemy, those who serve him and their schemes.  If you have been someone who is planting seeds of doubt in someones marriage, if you are badmouthing someones spouse, if you are interested in a married person and developing a relationship with them, if you are meddling in someones marriage, if you are judging someones marriage or spouse...fall on your knees now and change course now. Choose to be one who builds marriage up, distances yourself from a married person of the opposite sex, speak to the importance of marriage and never judge. We all have times of trial, but to have a support system who stands with you and your spouse and prays for you and your spouse is the ultimate way to serve Him and honor the covenant He shares with two other people. Most importantly, rest in the promise that you have the authority over the enemy...always.

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