Monday, January 30, 2017

My Cheating Huband...

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Learning everything you ever had and thought you had is a lie is one of the toughest places I’ve ever been in.  Learning that your husband is not the man he has claimed to be for the past 17 years is a hard pill to swallow.  Finding out your husband is having an ongoing affair is one of the most paralyzing and helpless feelings I have ever known.  Since we agreed to try and put our marriage back together two years ago, my husband has been carrying on a relationship with another woman.  Typically, when a married man decides to work on things with his wife, it would seem that he would truly give the marriage a fair chance by disconnecting with his female “friend”.  For two years, my gut has been telling me that something was going on.  Perhaps, the hidden daily phone calls between the two of them, the hidden messaging apps on his phone, her phone number listed under a male friends name in his contacts, the fact that she was spotted wearing his clothing in a picture, the picture showing that they attended a football game together and rode in his car, the lack of intimacy, the way he slept on the couch for months on end, my husband going out and getting drunk with this woman, the woman’s mother leaving a voicemail message on his cell phone professing her daughters love for my husband, my  husband introducing my daughter to this woman and/or my husband announcing that the other woman and her daughter will be going on a trip planned just for him and one of your children and that they will be hanging out…maybe, these things throughout the past two years should’ve been dead giveaways.  I wanted so desperately to believe my husband when he said, “it isn’t what it seems” and “she’s just a friend”.  The funny thing is…IT’S EVERYTHING IT SEEMED!  He just doesn’t want to be known as a cheater, but HE IS A CHEATER!  Not only has this married man dismissed my feelings and completely disregarded my concerns about this other woman, he has now brought her around my child.  What baffles me is that he never stopped to consider HER!  How do you bring this trash, the very woman who is breaking up your family and ripping apart your daughter’s world around her…to meet her???!!!  How do you do that?  To me, those are the clear actions of a cheater…selfishness and thinking with anything, but your head.  Then, to think that this woman has the audacity to continue hanging around your husband after you have reached out to her and asked her stop.  This woman comes around your child and introduces herself as if it is normal?!!  This is pure evil. 
Why stay in the marriage if what you want is something else?  Why be intimate with me when you were?  Why buy me jewelry?  Why go on trips with me?  Why?!  I know why!  The answer is plain and simple…to look good.  The only thing this man cares about is looking good to the world.  He wants to come across as the victim as the one who has done everything right.  That is his story and I am certain he will tell it.  So far, she is buying it.  No telling the lies he has told her about us.  There is more just like her out there who will believe it, but I am done believing the disgusting lies. 
The sad part is the woman he has chosen…she is has a criminal record and she is a former addict.  She has been arrested four different times for shoplifting and drugs.  How has he stooped this low?  The only thing I can do now is set him free.  Now, they can be together openly.  I will no longer be a part of their charade.  The charade is up.  I wish them the best of luck…they actually deserve each other.  I will be so much better off without this toxicity in my life.  I am done mourning…I have been doing this for two years.  I am done trying.  I am done begging.  I am done wondering.  I am done. I know that moving on apart from him is the right thing to do.  I have never been so confident in a decision.  I am done being a fool and I am done being a punching bag.  I am done lying for him.  I will tell the world the truth as hard as it is.  This is part of my process…this is my truth.  I will not permit this affair to define my life.  I am walking away with my head held high.

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